North Central Chapter, Health
Physics Society
Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting (April
19, 2001)
Medical Sciences Building, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Pete Wildenborg, Greg Smith, Anne Harri, Dan McGrane, Trent
Mays, Itene Patrek, Gary Yarrow.
Called to order at 7:15 p.m. by President Pete Wildenborg.
- Minutes of the October 26, 2000 Executive Council Meeting
were reviewed and approved as presented.
- Ballots were opened and counted. The election results were:
- President-Elect: Brian Vetter
- Secretary-Treasurer: Dan McGrane
- Executive Council members: Ken Kerns and Janet Silsby
- The Secretary-Treasurer's report was presented. It was accepted
and approved.
- Affiliate coordinator's report was presented as:
- There are 16 Affiliates to the Chapter. No new applications
have been received since fall of 2000.
- The meeting sponsors are ICN, represented by Tom Chwierut
and Inovision, represented by John Yasenak. Both sponsored at
$150 level.
Old Business:
- The Science Teacher Award Committee Chair resigned and President
was not notified until late fall. Doug Gossen took over as Chair
but no applications came in from the winter mailing. The plan
is to use the applications from the previous candidates after
checking with them and updating their applications if necessary.
The Science Teacher Award would be reopened for additional applicants
and then awarded in the fall. The fall awardee would be our national
- The MN Safety Council's networking meeting/banquet for Occupational
health and IH professionals, the TEAM Approach, was reported
on by Irene Patrek. She stated it was not a technical meeting
but a good chance for us to network with other occupational health
professionals. It was moved and seconded to spend $200 to become
a sponsor of the TEAM Approach meeting next spring as a trial.
Irene Patrek was charged with contacting the MN Safety Council
to arrange our membership and to offer a non-technical health
physics speaker for the meeting as keynote speaker. Various speakers
and topics were discussed.
- The Records Retention ad hoc Committee (Chair: Duane
Hall, members: Anne Harri, Pete Wildenborg, Jan Braun) met earlier
in the afternoon today at Mayo Clinic. They identified the types
of records which would be kept and what would be sent to the
National HPS repository at the Univ. of TN. The frequency of
deposits and age of records to be kept on hand was agreed upon.
We will send records once a year after the fall meeting. The
immediate Past-President will collect and deposit the records.
The records retention policies will be added to the officers'
written duties on the website.
- It was discussed whether to update the logo for the NCC.
There will be a call for proposed new logo designs to be sent
to Jan Braun by Friday September 14, 2001 for consideration at
the Fall Meeting. If none come in, or none are accepted, the
logo will remain the same.
- The website mechanics for the NCC were discussed. Jan Braun
provides the information in electronic format and Mike Lewandowski
posts it on the website. Pete Wildenborg is going to open up
the topic at the business meeting tomorrow to see if anyone else
is interested in helping Mike maintain the site. The Council
discussed and set out the website vision as:
- The website will replace the membership handbook for all
but non-web access members.
- The customer for the website is the NCC membership and prospective
members, and as a networking site for other HPs.
- The goal is to put all paper products on the website including
- handbook
- newsletters
- the ballot in the future
- dues notices and amount using password protection
- the membership handbook which will need the awards and past
officers added to the website to be complete
- the Secretary-Treasurer will call all non e-mail members
to verify that they do not have an e-mail address.
New Business:
- Two new members applied to the NCC. Jason Flora of 3M Corporate
Health Physics and Marcum Martz of the Medical College of Wisconsin.
They were both approved.
- Dan McGrane was selected as the Chapter Council meeting representative
for the NCC at the Cleveland meeting. Others from the Chapter
will attend as they can.
- The Wissink Memorial Lecture will consist of the guest Fall
Meeting speaker invited in honor of the Chapter Award recipient.
This will involve a change in the president-elect's duties which
was approved by vote.
- Suggestions for the Fall Meeting guest speaker were solicited.
- It was decided to provide a small gift for the meeting speakers
and vendors in the $5-$10 range. The gift should be unique to
the location if possible. It will be added to the duties of the
President-Elect and the meeting host to obtain these gifts to
be given. Costs incurred will be reimbursed.
- The resignation of Councilor Trent Mays was taken with thanks
for his service. It was decided no temporary replacement would
be appointed as the new officers would take their places at the
next meeting.
- Dan McGrane will do the technical notes for the meeting tomorrow.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.